Yule love!

December 2013

Wishes for a warm and happy holiday season, to all of you from all of us!

(many, many treats were harmed in the filming of this video)




Dear sir.

December 2013

Dear Fat Man with Beard,

I find you frightening.  I don’t like clompy boots or men in hats with beards who skulk around my house looking to come inside.  I will herd the furniture to barricade any points of entry against you, and I will bark from window to window until you fly away.  I must protect this house.

Yes, It is personal.  My sincerest apologies.

Because of this fear, I cannot justify requesting treats to reward my good behavior.  Instead, maybe you can bring my presents to puppies who need them more?

I am very thankful for what I have, except for my sister who makes me grumpy sometimes.  I could maybe use some more bacon and pancakes, but I’m not going to beg.

So travel safely. Keep away.

Snout Bump,

Zozo Bean F—–

ps- what do reindeer smell like?  are they allowed to eat chocolate?

The sky is falling!

December 2013

When we finally got ourselves moving this morning, we discovered the forecasts were (mostly) true and winter had finally, officially arrived!  So, we suited up for some outdoor zoomies.  Enjoy, and stay warm!

Santa, baby….

december 2013

dear santa-face,

i think maybe weez gonna have to agree to disagree on how good i’ve been this year.  i mean, i think imma good girl.  i give kisses.  i wiggle and smile at everybody.  and i don’t mean to bite doodle’s ears or pee on the couch when i’m asleep (not on my “mj designated” side of the couch) or steal french fries or hog the bed.  or terrorize the neighborhood squirrels.  not really.  so weez just gonna hafta agree that good is in the eye of the beholder, and i’m beholdin’.

so, for christmas… well it’s like this:  my birfday is like four days after christmas, so i really hope that i get christmas presents and birfday treats.  imma smart pup, and i know when mama gives doodle one more treat than me.  i can count.  let’s avoid awkwards.

anyways.  christmas.  this year i would like the following:

-a new snood from mama-g.  maybe something nautical.

-a tub of vanilla ice cream that i don’t has to share with mama

-a plushie toy that i’m allowed to destroy

dire wolves, 2

neil patrick harris

-something really stinky to sniffs

-a recording contract because i’m the best singer in the house

in the meantime, imma sit here and look mopey.  that usually gets me what i wants.

photo (3)                               licks and stuff,

mj buttersnap f—–

Saturday morning!

Hello everyone. Zozo here.

Mama missed her blogging deadline this week, so I’m taking over. It has been very hectic. Mom is in a play, Dad is busy at work, and then we lost a friend and I was very sad because that means no more pocket biscuits.

Hopefully she will get back on track for next week. If not, I will post more.

Until then, I wanted to share this nice family picture of all of the household furries. Happy weekends!



(Insert caption here)

It’s Peanut Butter & Cheese’s first ever Friday Fido Foto caption contest. Best caption wins undying affection from two of the best pups in the world.



November 12, 2013

We are so excited to have new blog-friends!  Jan’s Funny Farm has honored us with a Tuesday Meet & Greet, a weekly feature on her blog where she introduces her readers to new blogs she’s discovered.

Stop over to her site to see our furbabies chatting themselves up, and check out the Funny Farmers and their blog friends.  Make sure you tell them MJ & Zozo sent you!

Sweet dreams!

Two lumps, two rumps. Apparently, everyone is ready for bed tonight.


Whachooo mean, no chocolate?!

Happy Halloween, friends. Stay safe and guard your humans!

i can't go out there mom.  too scary.

i can’t go out there mom. too scary.

ok ok, i show the people my dapper bow-tie.  but i'm not leaving this stoop.

ok ok, i show the people my dapper bow-tie. but i’m not leaving this stoop.

oh hell, this mess again?  what did i tell you last time, mama?

oh hell, this mess again? what did i tell you last time, mama?

wait wait, do i look coy like this?  should i also wear my tutu?

wait wait, do i look coy like this? should i also wear my tutu?

wait, so if we act all cute people gives us treats?  why we still inside??

hold up: if we act all cute people gives us treats? why we still inside??