Whachooo mean, no chocolate?!

Happy Halloween, friends. Stay safe and guard your humans!

i can't go out there mom.  too scary.

i can’t go out there mom. too scary.

ok ok, i show the people my dapper bow-tie.  but i'm not leaving this stoop.

ok ok, i show the people my dapper bow-tie. but i’m not leaving this stoop.

oh hell, this mess again?  what did i tell you last time, mama?

oh hell, this mess again? what did i tell you last time, mama?

wait wait, do i look coy like this?  should i also wear my tutu?

wait wait, do i look coy like this? should i also wear my tutu?

wait, so if we act all cute people gives us treats?  why we still inside??

hold up: if we act all cute people gives us treats? why we still inside??

1 thought on “Whachooo mean, no chocolate?!

  1. So how did you make out with the treats on Halloween?

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